1. Fat Booth/Aging Booth/ Bald Booth – Price £0.59, Developed by PiVi & Co

Fat Booth was a viral smash from the first day it was launched. Take a picture of yourself or your friend, run the image through the Fat Booth and see what you would look life if you piled on the pounds. Aging Booth and Bald Booth are from the same development house and carry on the success of Fat Booth. Get the app now from the App Store.
4. Ginger Booth – Price £0.59, Developed by Bluebear Technologies

A similar app to the above Fat Booth, albeit going one step further. Ginger Booth does exactly what is saying on the tin, but it doesn’t only change the hair colour of you or your friend it changes the facial features as well. This app also hooks very nicely into Social Media channels with the development house creating a Facebook page for you to upload your Ginger’d snaps. You can get the app from here.
8. TightWire – Price £0.59 Updated 19 Dec 2009 Developed by iBright LLC

What could be funnier than watching a fat guy struggling to keep his balance on a tightrope hundreds of feet in the air in the centre of a major city? The answer to your question is nothing. This app proves that watching fat people is generally funny; especially when dressed in jean suspenders and a wacky green t-shirt that barely fits. Also with the fact that they are trying ever so hard to keep balance and the knowledge that you are in complete control of their actions adds to the humour! Get the app now.